Busniess Card

Busniess Card
Having worth is not limited to a specific job title. You have to think bigger than the description on your business card. There's always someone next in line with similar or even better skills.
Busniess Card

It's going to be difficult for you to advance in life and increase your income if you don't start to think this way. Creating value at your existing job is about distinguishing yourself from your job title. To be clear, I'm not suggesting you give up your current responsibilities. Far from it.
If you had to label me, what would you say? Sales trainer, mentor, real estate investor, money fanatic? You could probably come up with a hundred ways to describe me but you can't put me in a box with one word or title.
I'm worth something to a wide range of people in a variety of fields. The descriptions keep coming because my focus is on creating value, not on a particular role.
Instead of thinking of yourself as your job — programmer, graphic designer, lawyer, real estate agent, sale professional — think of yourself as a business that creates beneficial exchanges between groups of people....................Thanks

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